Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Study s Intervention Was An Asp That Was Implemented...
The study’s intervention was an ASP that was implemented twice per week and lasted for 12 weeks. The bilingual ASP included about a half an hour of health education and an hour of physical activity. The valid curriculum was also adapted culturally for Mexican-American children. The health outcomes included BMI, BMI percentile, aerobic capacity, dietary preferences, and health knowledge. Aerobic capacity was measured via the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) test, and dietary preferences and health knowledge were measured by a self-completed survey and previously validated questionnaire called the After School Student Questionnaire (ASSQ). The effect size for the sample size obtained for this study was calculated to be 0.30 by Cohen’s d, which the authors reasoned to be acceptable due to precedence where a childhood obesity meta-analysis accepted such an effect size. Analyses of a three-level design were performed, and it included use of regression models and maximum likelihood estimations. The p-value was provided with both p0.05 was given for statistical significance. The results found the sample was generally similar, except that the comparison group had more Hispanic children than the intervention group. PA knowledge, attitude, and behavior data were not statistically significant, but the trend was positive. Dietary knowledge increased significantly (p=.009) and nutrient-lacking food intake decreased (p=.035). BMI in the intervention group alsoShow MoreRelatedWal-Mart Case Study – Rfid and Supply Chain Management7654 Words  | 31 Pagespicture as to how technology plays a vital role in today’s’ businesses. Traditionally, technology has been upgraded in billing systems and for storage purposes. A new area where technology could be applied to, where many expenses could be saved was in inventory management and logistics. 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