Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Poverty in Canada.
Poverty in Canada. Poverty is a reality in Canada today. Despite having one of the higheststandards of living among all the developed nations, and despite being voted numerous times in recent years by the United Nations as the best country in the world in which to live, experts agree that poverty is prevalent in Canada today. Unfortunately, that is more or less where the agreement ends. Exactly how prevalent and how serious a problem poverty is in Canada is an open question that has been hotly debated for the last 10 years.There have been two times in the past 300 years when economic structural changes have occurred in the world that have been so massive and so far-reaching, that the impact on societies has been nothing short of monumental.The first time was in the Industrial Revolution which began in the early 1700s and caused massive societal transformations, especially in the western world, changing life from agrarian-based societies to industrial-based societies.POVERTYThe second time was in the ea rly 1980s with the beginning of the "Information Revolution." Today, a rapid, world-wide, economic transformation is taking place that is changing our societies from industrial-based societies to information-based societies, the 3rd wave.These changes are part of a greater phenomenon called "globalization" . The improvement in technology lead to a desire to make trades with other countries, and therefore allowing foreign companies to sell in Canada and thereby compete with Canadian companies, and vice versa ("Laisser faire, laisser passer" - Adam Smith).This increased competition lead to ever greater pressures on Canadian companies to reduce their costs of producing goods. Companies closed down and went looking in third world countries because labour is cheaper. At the same time, technology was replacing human labour; employees lost their jobs, being replaced by machines that could do the...
Friday, November 22, 2019
10th Grade Science Fair Project Ideas
10th Grade Science Fair Project Ideas 10th-grade science fair projects can be fairly advanced. By 10th grade, most students can identify a project idea on their own and can conduct the project and report on it without much assistance, but they can still seek help from parents and teachers. 10th-grade students can use the scientific method to make predictions about the world around them and to construct experiments to test their predictions. Environmental issues, green chemistry, genetics, classification, cells, and energy are all appropriate 10th-grade topic areas. 10th Grade Science Fair Project Ideas Test products for impurities. For example, you could compare the amount of lead in different brands of bottled water. If a label says a product does not contain a heavy metal, is the label accurate? Do you see any evidence of leaching of hazardous chemicals from plastic into water over time?Which sunless tanning product produces the most realistic-looking tan?Which brand of disposable contact lenses last the longest before a person decides to switch them out?Which brand of rechargeable batteries delivers charge the longest before needing to be recharged? Does the answer depend on the type of battery-operated device?Test the efficiency of different shapes of fan blades.Can you tell how much biodiversity is in a water sample by how murky the water is?Determine whether ethanol really does burn more cleanly than gasoline.Is there a correlation between attendance and GPA? Is there a correlation between how close to the front of the classroom a student sits and GPA?Which method of cooking destroys the most bacteria? Which disinfectant kills the most bacteria? Which disinfectant is safest to use?Examine the effect of growing one plant species near another.Can you build your own electrochemical cell or battery? Test its output and efficiency.Try to see if there is a correlation between two different factors, such as sunspot activity and mean global temperature or skipping lunch and low test scores. How valid would you expect such a correlation to be?What type of cooling mat is most effective at removing excess heat from a laptop computer?What is the best way to store bread to preserve its freshness?Which types of produce induce ripening or premature rotting in other produce?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Democracy in the Arab world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Democracy in the Arab world - Essay Example In the present world, the nature of democracy varies from state to state. Not all democratic states are actually democratic in nature. We can take example of the Arab world countries where the kings and the presidents hold the actual powers and the governments hardly take any step according to the desire of the public. â€Å"Presidents and kings remain too powerful, untrammeled by the limits imposed by effective parliaments and independent judiciaries†(Ottaway). The governments do not take into account the suggestions given by the citizens while developing or implementing any kind of law. There is a great desire of democracy on part of the citizens of the Arab countries but the dilemma is that in Arab countries, there are no social movements, labor unions, or widely supported political parties, which act as the foundations for development and implementation of a proper democratic system in any particular state. Without the establishment of publicly supported political parties, the real form of democracy can never be enjoyed in the Arab countries. There is hardly a true democratic state in the current Arab world. In the Arab countries, people have no awareness about the basic elements and benefits of democracy due to which they are not given importance during the process of any constitutional development and their suggestions regarding any political or constitutional matter are generally suppressed by the governments of their states. It is due to the continuous struggle of the western governments that people belonging to the Arab countries are becoming more and more aware of democracy. Today majority of people belonging to Jordan, Palestine, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, and some other Arab countries view democracy as the best form of government. There are enough Arab people belonging to different countries who want a western style democracy to progress in their countries (Hill). They
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IMC Tactics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IMC Tactics - Essay Example One of the IMC plans that the company uses is direct marketing. In direct marketing, the media are involved which directly convey their services to their target market. It entails magazines, radio, newspapers, and sponsorships (Pickton, 2001). The company uses this medium to convey their message of low prices to its clients. The company advertises in television at peak hours of viewing in order to target the larger segment of the market. New products that the company has launched are shown in the commercial with their features. The company also sponsors charity events and sports to earn that reputation as a large retailer that people appreciate and recognizes. The magazines and newspaper are used for similar purpose. Any new product that the company introduces with their respective pricelist is offered to the media. Their objective is not targeting the niche industry since the company targets the low and middle-income earners. Direct mailing is also an important medium for the compan y where it updates its customer about their products. Another plan for the company is through sales promotion. Walmart uses various methods and techniques to create interest and awareness in clients to purchase their products competitions. This is helpful because the strategy is helpful in boosting the company’s sales, where the clients are entering for the weekly and monthly prize draw offering various prizes. Products that are highly priced, the price value is normally high like continental holiday. Another sale promotion is points of sale, the range of new products are decorated in an interesting and attractive manner to catch the attention of customers and luring them to buy. Assuming the product is single and tends to occupy a small space it is normally placed at the counter. Additionally, the free sample testing is done by the company whenever a new product range is introduced in the market. The gifts are also
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Importance of Mathematics to Everyday Life Essay Example for Free
The Importance of Mathematics to Everyday Life Essay Even though Mathematics undoubtedly has universal applications to life and is an essential tool in science, technology, economics, business, commerce and of course in computer design and functioning there is a general tendency for people to shy away from it for various reasons-some feel it is too difficult while others do not see its practical connection to everyday life. Consequently, we find just a small number of people who pursue this fascinating subject and the end result is that there is always only a small core of brilliant or good mathematicians which helps to reinforce the perception that this area of study is only reserved for an elitist few. Mathematician T. Rogers in one of his lectures notes: â€Å"The percentage of the world’s population, or even of the world’s university-educated population, who could accurately state a single mathematical theorem proved in the last fifty years is small, and smaller still if Fermat’s last theorem is excluded. If you ask a mathematician to explain what he or she works on, you will usually be met with a sheepish grin and told that it is not possible to do so in a short time. If you ask whether this mysteriously complicated work has practical applications (and we all get asked this from time to time), then there are various typical responses, none of them immediately impressive.†But maybe this perception is bolstered by the manner in which mathematics is taught and that is, it is done in too much of an abstraction and perhaps if our teachers could help students to see how these â€Å"abstract concepts†are related or could be applied to real and practical situations then probably this perception could be dispelled or reduced. In short if could successfully convince the young minds of the importance of mathematics to life. Students of the natural sciences quickly realise the importance of mathematics because the areas of study integrally connected and so they grasp its practical importance, unlike their colleagues in the fields of the arts and social sciences. However, to achieve this objective, teachers of mathematics need not only to be good mathematicians but must also possess good pedagogical skills as well because teaching this subject is a special task and not like many of the other subjects in the school curriculum. Mathematics educators Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Heather C. Hill, and Hyman notes Bass: â€Å"Knowing mathematics for teaching demands a kind of depth and detail that goes well beyond what is needed to carry out the algorithm reliably.†In Guyana performance by students in mathematics at examinations has been of concern by educators because it has not been up to scratch even though in recent years it has been improving appreciably. On this score the recent emergency training for mathematics teachers conducted by the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) is a wise step and this should be carried on a continuous basis so as to help mathematics teachers keep abreast with new innovations and methodologies of teaching the subject. This is part of the institution’s response to the poor performance at this year’s Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) tests. The training, a one week workshop, involving teachers from across the regions, is the second in a series of five, with the next scheduled for February, 2010. Mathematics Workshop, stated that the aim of the undertaking is to have teachers upgraded with the expectation that they will pass along their knowledge to the students. â€Å"The teachers are from schools where students obtained 10 per cent or less in the CSEC examinations. If we can raise the skills of the teachers who are delivering the curriculum, we can raise the performance of the students at the CSEC exams,†he said. Mr. McKenzie explained that the methodology used for the upgrading process will see the facilitators taking the teachers through exercises that would be worked in class so that the teachers can be introduced to new strategies of delivering material. He is correct and this is the path training courses for our teachers need to take. They have to get to get down to the â€Å"nitty gritty†of the situation and design training programmes to deal with the realities of the classrooms and not some fanciful theory or theories which is set in a foreign location and is therefore is totally divorced from the local realities.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What to Do With My Life? :: College Admissions, Personal Narrative
Wish I could be Anything I wanna be Wanna be a fireman Wanna be an astronaut Wanna sail the seas Just like a sailor But it's not the end of the world So baby don't get upset It's just a little regret  Less than a year left of high school, then four years of college to study who knows what, and after that... I do not know. There are so many things I wish I could do, so many careers I think would be interesting as the lyrics above suggest. I am big on traveling just to see the sights. I could wander endlessly on through the world. I could visit China to see the Great Wall, Russia to see the Red Square, and Australia to SCUBA dive in the Great Coral Reef. I would go from there to South Africa to see my best friend from fifth grade, taking my camera with me the whole way. I would check out the ancient Greek and Roman structures in Europe and follow the footsteps of my grandfather to the ends of the world. When my tour had ended, I would return to college to learn to be an astronaut so I could carry my exploration even further. And after exhausting my wonder of the universe I would return to explore the depths of the ocean. And so as for getting ready for a career, I do not have any time; my schedule is packed for the next 253 years. I only regret that I do not have enough in my life to do all that I dream. But it's not the end of the world So baby don't get upset It's just a little regret I will just have to be content to save the majority of my travels for eternity. But as for my current preparations for the real world, I have a few things going for me. I have always been a good student and done well at many things. I am a perfectionist to an extent.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Together We Survive
Life is full of challenges. Each people has their own battle to fight everyday. For every battle, there might be a couple of times that you will fail, but those failures should not be a hindrance for you to not keep going. You are not alone, there are people that surrounds you whom you can seek for help. Survival doesn't have to be done by yourself but instead helping each other would emphasize the purpose of life. An American author named Hellen Keller states that, â€Å"Alone we can do little; together we can do so much.†Working together builds relationship to other people because you are able to connect and support each other in times of ups and downs. In times of hardships, reaching out to others enables smoother movement towards the goal of surviving. When life gets harder, people who can overcome the problems are more likely the ones who builds unity and lend a helping hand to others. 5 years ago, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Bohol in the Philippines. It's a total disaster that devastated thousands of lives due to the severity of damages of infrastructures and the number of affected families. There were many people who were injured and died from the earthquake, including our neighbors who are the Merez family. Both parents died while working inside the building that collapsed during that day and left their 4 children in grieve. The eldest son was only 20 years old. It was indeed difficult for them losing both of their parents and their properties. Though they had experienced such huge casualties, the siblings helped each other and never hesitate to ask somebody for help. Moreover, those people who are willing in giving an aid, gave hope to other underprivileged individuals to start a new chapter of their lives. Not only by financial support but with their presence of showing love to the affected families as well. The Merez siblings went through a process of grieving but with the help of others, they had overcome the depression for quite a time and had realized that it isn't the end of their lives yet. On the other hand, the Belarmino family who's not even related by blood, supported the siblings and gave them a chance to regain their life. They work hard, motivate each other to study well in order to reach their ambitions. Furthermore, the reason behind of their success is that they chose to remain hard as rock despite of the losses and the experiences they went through. They fought mentally, physically, and emotionally. They never lose hope and had face the dilemmas in life. As time passes by, the eldest brother graduated in college and is now working as a teacher. It was indeed a tough journey for him. Nevertheless, he is now sending his siblings to school and he's able to overcome the tremendous challenges he had faced back then. In conclusion, facing the problems alone is all right but, asking somebody for help won't make a person less. Pulling together develop relationships and strategies in order to accomplish your wants. No matter how bad the situation is, no disaster can break your dreams and aspirations in life. Keep moving forward and make those hardships in life as a motivation to strive hard. This is what life is all about, we help each other to grow better and learn from the experiences together.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Extraversion and Neurotism
TAKE-HOME ESSAY #2 Psy 2300, Fall 2012 †¢The second take-home essay will be worth 20 points. You may use your textbook, D2L resources, and class notes. You may NOT collaborate with fellow students! †¢Essays must be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a reasonable font size (e. g. , 12 point). †¢PLEASE CAREFULLY PROOFREAD YOUR ANSWERS FOR CLARITY & TYPOS; excessive proofreading errors will result in a deduction of points, as will a failure to follow the formatting requirements above! †¢The essay should be 1-3 pages long and organized into coherent paragraphs. Please organize your essay according to the subdivisions provided (a, b, c, etc. ). You do not need to use a formal essay format (introduction, body, conclusion). †¢Please use your own words whenever possible. If you feel you must quote from class notes or the textbook, cite the source properly. †¢You may answer any ONE of the three questions provided. If you answer more than one, only the first o ne will be graded. †¢Essays are DUE in the Dropbox by 9:59 p. m. on Friday, November 9th. 1. Compare and contrast the Big Five with EITHER Eysenck’s model OR Tellegen’s model (i. . , identify similarities and differences). If you choose Tellegen, focus on the three higher-order traits; just refer to the primary scales as examples if applicable. Think about how the models were derived as well as the meaning of the traits themselves. Then discuss which of the three trait models covered in class you prefer and whether you think any important aspects of personality are left out of the three models. Make sure you JUSTIFY your choice of favorite model by presenting at least two distinct reasons. 2.Consider what it means to be high in the traits of Extraversion and Neuroticism (separately). Then make connections between each trait and current concern theory. Specifically, address how being high in these traits might influence: †¢Which types of goals people pursue â € ¢How their goal pursuits affect them (emotionally and cognitively) †¢How they progress through the incentive-disengagement cycle when a goal is blocked What I’m looking for here is a thoughtful discussion of how being high in E and being high in N might affect people’s motivational processes, using concepts from Klinger’s current concern theory.It may help to refer to the low ends of these traits to provide a contrast with the high ends (e. g. , â€Å"unlike introverts, when extraverts pursue a goal†¦ †). 3. If you’d like to be a little creative, tell a â€Å"story†about a person with a particular configuration of traits. Specifically, choose AT LEAST THREE of the Big Five OR Tellegen’s primary traits (if you choose Tellegen, make sure to pick one trait from each higher-order factor). The person can be purely hypothetical or based on someone you know; I even had students discuss the fictional characters Dwight (from â⠂¬Å"The Office†) and Borat!Describe how that person typically behaves based on how they score on the three traits you select. For example, â€Å"Ralph†might be high C, low N, and medium O. What might Ralph’s behavior patterns be like? His interpersonal relationships? His goal pursuits? Would his trait configuration lead to any particular problems in his life? What I’m looking for is a clear understanding of the traits you choose and the ability to APPLY those traits to a realistic scenario in which the traits can interact with each other. Have fun! [NOTE:I have a sample full-credit essay posted on D2L to help with this option! ]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Has Social Networking Affected Social Skill of Todays Generation
Has Social Networking Affected Social Skill of Todays Generation The Problem and its Background More than a decade ago, the world was a very different place. It is no question that it was fraught with its own obstacles and difficulties for children and families. During that time, it was hard for the young generation to imagine that 50 years later, their children will be able to communicate with all sorts of people from friends to strangers at all times of the day and night without them necessarily being aware.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Has Social Networking Affected Social Skill of Today’s Generation? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While during this period, parents used to keep a check on the whereabouts of their kids, nowadays a teenager can travel through out the world even without leaving the bedroom. Currently, many experts are arguing that social networking sites are impacting negatively on the social skills of today’s generation with many concl uding that though technological advances have made many things possible (like most things available nowadays), if they go unchecked, these life tools are likely to turn out to be weapons of self destruction. While social networks main goals are to allow people interact socially, these sites have also caused members to become like zombies. Most of them spend time socializing and this in return dents their personal social skills. That is the reason why most of the people in the current generation prefer communicating through cyberspaces since it is easier to say everything than a one on one form of communication where some people cannot even express themselves (Thackeray Hunter, 2010). Experts goes further and argues that aside from developing strong interaction skills, today’s generation has developed weaker interpersonal relationships with those they relate to: from teachers, friends to their own parents, a character which has been attributed to too much dependency on the in ternet. Most of the times, today’s generation can only communicate with other people by chatting or placing comments on their friends wall. They have been doing this for a long time until it develops into a habit. This continues until a time comes when they can only use either the internet or computers to inform the other party what they want and through this, expression of emotions and feelings lost and this leads to loss of social skills on how people interact with others. However, contrary to the views of many, Affonso (1999) indicates that social skills and social mores are dynamic indicating that even though our teenagers are constantly in their phones surfing through social sites such as Facebook and Twitter that does not mean that their social skills are not developing but he argues that they are developing in a different dimension and in different social skills than those their parents placed high value on or developed in.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Affonso goes further and indicates that while there are some positive aspects about social sites, there have also been suggestions that increased use of internet and social networks have negative influence on their social skills. He supports this by quoting a study done by Carnegie Mellon University which concluded that â€Å"Internet use leads to small but statistically significant increases in misery and loneliness and a decline in overall psychological well-being†, (Affonso, 1999: Par 3). Other studies also show that most of today’s generation use internet more often and thus most of them tend to have fewer friends and spends very little time interacting with their family members and close friends thus most of the time they suffer from stress and feeling more lonely and depressed at times. A new twist in relationship studies has also revealed that most of the b reak-ups among young couples have been attributed to the fact that one partner uses more of their time in social networks leading to the other party feeling lonely and alienated and as a result this leads to irreconcilable differences leading to break ups. With most of the today’s generation using the internet more than their parents used to, especially through social sites, listening to music and meeting new people, there has been a concern among educators that most of the current generation will â€Å"lose the savvy and skills and patience to conduct social relations in the corporate real world and that the Internet will intensify the negative effect television has already had on our social skills†, (Affonso, 1999: Par 7). However, increased use of the internet has also been said to groom the social skills of the current generation. When the children and the youth who makes the current generation interact online in productive and positive ways especially through the interactive platforms such as virtual magazines, it gives them an opportunity for them to express themselves and thus they can share their views with people of their age those who are of the same views and the contrary thereby widening of their understanding scope. It is worth noting that increased use of the social environments helps in improving one’s social skills. The interactions young adults have in their facebook or twitter are more similar than they are different from the interactions which adults make on a one on one or face to face relationships. Conducted studies show that youth who usually lack social skills and positive interactions in real life are also likely to misuse social networking sites in inhuman way or example by making threats thus there is no point of connecting poor social skills to increased uses of social networks.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Has Social Networking Affected Social Skill of Today’s Genera tion? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Subjects for Study The study will be conducted in the University of California Los Angeles and it will consider all aspects of the students including the age, gender and the year level in terms of social networking sites and their social interactions at home, with classmates, teachers and friends. The study shall also entail investigating the interrelationship skills of the students towards their parents, teachers and also fellow friends as well as how social networking sites have influenced their social skills. The research will involve a sample of 300 students currently in the university and the study will also be purposive since only the everyday users of social networks will be considered. Ethical Considerations For any survey, there are ethical implications which come to play especially if it is a social factor survey. In our case, the ethical implications which the survey might pose are those rela ted to violation of the individual policy. If each of the youth in our sample consent to the survey, it will be very important to inform them about our study objectives and applications. Since our survey might reflect the pattern of relationships among people, the target sample will most likely be revealing what the large population is doing. The questions as to who the youth communicates or interacts with for example during periods of stress and depression might interfere with their privacy. Questions of how long and how frequent they confide with those they care about and which channel they use. Thus, even though the interviewee might not be aware, they can find themselves conveying some information about another party while the other party may not and this may cause violation of their rights to privacy (Carpenter, Bauer Erdogan, 2008). With the given technology advancements, while the interviewer might try to maintain the confidentiality of the information accessed with demograph ic issues it may be possible for one to guess the individuals depending on where they are located (Carpenter, Bauer Erdogan, 2008). Measurement Research Design The mixed method approach to research will be the most appropriate way to evaluate the situation. The qualitative research will be used to establish the interviewees’ perception on the changed social skills.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This will be done through a quantitative questionnaire. The questionnaire will be implemented to establish how Social Networking affects social skills of today’s generation. All the students and young lecturers in the sample will be given an equal opportunity to respond to the questionnaire. The questions will be divided into four sections. The quantitative research methods will shed light in the numerical aspects of the age at which the youth began accessing the internet and especially the social networks and the time they spends while in the social networks and in the absence of the same how much time they used to spend interacting with their peers before they got glued to the social networks. How they interrelate to family members, friends, teachers or fellow students in case of the young lecturers and total strangers will also be covered in the questionnaire. The other part of the interview will be audio taped where our research group will interact with the students and t he young lecturers while recording the conversations. The questions will relate to those in the questionnaire but the interviewee will be able to provide in-depth and detailed explanations or reasoning for the given answers. The purpose of all this will be to establish whether there is a link between increased social networking. Population and Sample Our sample will be selected from the University of California Los Angeles. We shall have informed them earlier of our intentions of conducting a survey where the willing daily users of social network both students and young lecturers are expected to register. From the list, we shall then conduct a purposive sampling where our target will have to fulfill certain qualities before issuing of the questionnaire and we shall interview only those who uses internet on daily basis. Research Instrument The researchers will use questionnaires and survey forms as research instruments. The survey form will enquire if the respondents use social netwo rking sites and their frequency of using the sites. After determining those who use social networking sites daily, questionnaires will be issued to them and the questionnaires will investigate from the respondents what social skills they have gained or lost from by using social network sites in terms of their relationships with teachers, family members, friends and strangers. The details of the questionnaire are as attached in Appendix 1. Data Collection Methods The researchers will distribute a survey form to each section in order to determine the users of social networking sites and we hope this will be achieved within one to two days. After the researchers collect the questionnaires, a list of the respondents which are social network site users will be organized then copies of the main questionnaire produced. The copies of the main questionnaire will depend on the number of the respondents. However, extra copies will be reproduced if some respondents lose their questionnaires. Th e respondents will be given one to two days allowance to answer the questionnaire. The questions will be as attached in Appendix 1. Research assistants will be used to distribute and collect the questionnaires. Once the deadline of the questionnaires is arrived at, the research assistants will coordinate with the students to retrieve all the questionnaires completely. The questionnaires gathered are supposed to contain all the needed data for the study and the data will then be organized, summarized, analyzed, and interpreted. Analysis The researchers will use the following formulas to analyze the results from the questionnaires. Frequency is the number of occurrences, proportion, or percentage of a specific response in a particular category in a set of data, while percentage is the proportion or share of the specific response in relation to the whole sample. This method of analysis will be used to determine the percentage of the respondents out of the total sample in terms of the p ercentage and the affected social skills due to the influence of social networking sites. Each of the interviewer tape will also be transcribed by a professional transcribe and random selection of the tapes will be done to check the accuracy of transcription by the research assistants. The transcribed interviews will then be entered into a qualitative software program for their correlation to the questionnaires to be analyzed. The assisting research assistants will then read the themes that will emerge. The coding of the themes will then be established and if disagreements about the coding arise, all parties shall agree through discussion, further sharpening of the codes if need arise and comparing the interviews. Finally, all interviews will be coded individually and the results from the questionnaires will be tallied and calculated into percentages. Responses will be displayed using various tables and graphs. Information will be both lexis and numerical for a more complete picture of the effects of social networks to social skills of the current generation. Reference List Affonso, B. (1999). Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children? Web. Carpenter, M; Bauer, T., Erdogan, B. (2008). Principles of Management. Retrieved from https://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/ Thackeray, R., Hunter, M. (2010). Empowering Youth: Use of Technology in Advocacy to Affect Social Change. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Volume 15, pages 575–591.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Apologia in Rhetoric
Definition and Examples of Apologia in Rhetoric Definition: In classical rhetoric, communication studies, and public relations, an apologia is a speech that defends, justifies, and/or apologizes for an action or statement. Plural: apologia. Adjective: apologetic. Also known as a speech of self-defense. In an article* in the Quarterly Journal of Speech (1973), B.L. Ware and W.A. Linkugel identified four common strategies in apologetic discourse: denial (directly or indirectly rejecting the substance, intent, or consequence of the questionable act) bolstering (attempting to enhance the image of the individual under attack) differentiation (distinguishing the questionable act from more serious or harmful actions) transcendence (placing the act in a different context) *They Spoke in Defense of Themselves: On the Generic Criticism of Apologia See Examples and Observations below. Also see: OratoryPersuasionRhetoric What Are the Three Branches of Rhetoric? EtymologyFrom the Greek, away from speech Examples and Observations There may be several purposes for apologia rhetoric, including to explain the behavior or statement in a positive light, justify the behavior to minimize damage to image and character, or remove the topic from public discussion so that other issues may be discussed.(Colleen E. Kelley, The Rhetoric of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton: Crisis Management Discourse. Praeger, 2001) The Rhetoric of Damage ControlSome genres are so complex and high stakes that they require a special kind of rhetorical maneuvering and critical assessment. One such animal is what Aristotle called an apologiaor what we label today as the rhetoric of self-defense, damage-control, image-repair, or crisis management. . . .Its indebtedness to all three genres [deliberative, judicial, and epideictic], but its allegiance to none, makes the apologia a challenging rhetorical hybrid to create and critique (Campbell Huxman, 2003, pp. 293-294). . . . .The genre [of apologia] is a public purging of sins and a reaffirmat ion of the ethical norms of society dressed up in theatrical proportions to bring pleasure to spectators; it is the most intimate form of secular discourse. Success in this arena requires a let it all hang out (remorse, pride, outrage) approach. The visual media are especially equipped to provide the excess and exaggeration that this type of theater demands.(Susan Schultz Huxman, Exigencies, Explanations, and Executions: Toward a Dynamic Theory of the Crisis Communications Genre. Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis Communication, ed. by Dan P. Millar and Robert L. Heath. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004) BP CEOs Apologia for the Gulf Oil Spill (May 31, 2010)The first thing to say is Im sorry. . . . We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused their lives. There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.†(Tony Hayward, televised speech in Venice, Louisiana, May 31, 2010) Bill Clintons Apologia: The Monica Lewinsky Affair (Aug. 17, 1998)Good evening.This afternoon in this room, from this chair, I testified before the Office of Independent Counsel and the grand jury.I answered their questions truthfully, including questions about my private life, questions no American citizen would ever want to answer.Still, I must take complete responsibility for all my actions, both public and private. And that is why I am speaking to you tonight.As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information.Indeed, I did hav e a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.But I told the grand jury today and I say to you now that at no time did I ask anyone to lie, to hide or destroy evidence or to take any other unlawful action.I know that my public comments and my silence about this matter gave a false impression. I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that.I can only tell you I was motivated by many factors. First, by a desire to protect myself from the embarrassment of my own conduct.I was also very concerned about protecting my family. The fact that these questions were being asked in a politically inspired lawsuit, which has since been dismissed, was a consideration, too.In addition, I had real and serious concerns about an independent counsel investigation that began with private business dealings 20 years ago, dealing s I might add about which an independent federal agency found no evidence of any wrongdoing by me or my wife over two years ago.The independent counsel investigation moved on to my staff and friends, then into my private life. And now the investigation itself is under investigation.This has gone on too long, cost too much and hurt too many innocent people.Now, this matter is between me, the two people I love mostmy wife and our daughterand our God. I must put it right, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so.Nothing is more important to me personally. But it is private, and I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. Its nobodys business but ours.Even presidents have private lives. It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the prying into private lives and get on with our national life.Our country has been distracted by this matter for too long, and I take my responsibility for my part in all of this. That is all I can do.Now it is timein fact, it i s past time to move on.We have important work to doreal opportunities to seize, real problems to solve, real security matters to face.And so tonight, I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the past seven months, to repair the fabric of our national discourse, and to return our attention to all the challenges and all the promise of the next American century.Thank you for watching. And good night.(President Bill Clinton, televised speech to the American public, August 17, 1998) Pronunciation: AP-eh-LOW-je-eh
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Federal Express (Canada) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Federal Express (Canada) - Case Study Example Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Background 4 Statement of Problem(S) or Issue(S) 5 Situation Analysis 6 Analysis of Alternatives 8 Recommendations 9 Implementation or Action Plan 9 Reference 10 Appendices 11 Background Desktop Innovations (DI) is recognized as one of the renowned organizations operating in software sector, which enhanced at a rapid pace in this era of globalization and industrialization. The underlying cause of this fact is high level of incorporation of information technology (IT) and automation in every aspect of business operations. This has facilitated the organizations operating in this sector like DI to augment its productivity and profitability (McDougall & Dorken, n.d.). According to the evidences provided in the case scenario, it can be observed that to enhance the corporate image and brand loyalty, DI attempted to display its software products in the trade show organized in Charlotte in North Carolina. This might also facilitate DI to attract new arra y of customers, leading to amplification of its dominance over other competing corporations of the similar industry. For this reason, the office manager of DI desired to transport two different types of software packages from the head office of Kitchener, Ontario with the help of Federal Express (FedEx). Besides, due to loss of bill in the midpoint, the parcel of DI could not arrive at the stipulated location at exact time, resulting in varied types of intricacies. This resulted in initiation of investigations by the management of DI in order to realize the lost box from FedEx (McDougall & Dorken, n.d.). Statement of Problem(S) or Issue(S) DI is one of the reputed organizations of software segment, attempting to offer innovative products and /or services to its customers. The main attempt is to enhance the dependency and consistency of the customers, resulting in augmentation of its brand identity and portfolio among other competitors in the market. Besides, in order to retain the m arket share and distinctiveness, it is essential to attract new array of consumers. In order to do so, DI attempted to transport two diverse types of software packages to the markets of Simpsonville, South Carolina to be displayed in a trade show through a trader which would lead to amplification of its brand awareness and total sales, which is extremely essential in this era of competitiveness. Unfortunately, the loss of the invoice bill of one of the product packages by FedEx resulted in varied types of difficulties for the management of DI. This type of negligence by one of the world renowned logistic providers resulted in a critical situation for the dealer of DI. As a result of this negligence in the delivery system of FedEx, the dealer of DI became unable to display the products within the trade show in North Carolina. Due to which, it lost large number of prospective customers, ensuing decline of its brand image and revenue, which might prove extremely challenging in future p eriod (McDougall & Dorken, n.d.). Situation Analysis In order to evaluate the competitive advantage of DI, it is extremely necessary to analyze its position in the market. It includes evaluation of both internal and external environments of DI, with the help of SWOT and Porter’
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