Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on Human Behaviour and Social Norms - 1593 Words
Running head: HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL NORMS Do social norms influence human behaviour? Human behaviour is the response to given stimuli, which are socially and environmentally affected. This response is something that can easily be influenced and shaped through many personal, situational, social, biological, mental factors. In this essay the case of social norms influencing human behaviour will be analyzed using previous studies. Social norms are part of a larger influential scale generally named as social influence. Social influence is the exercise of power that an individual or a group can use on other individuals or society in order to alter their attitudes, behaviours and lead them to a desired†¦show more content†¦Group size is important because as Asch (1955) found, the larger the group, the bigger the phenomenon of conformity due to social norms. Group cohesiveness makes the group to have greater bonds due to similarity and ability to easily show empathy to each other (Christensen et al., 2004) and social support is noticed to groups with higher levels of cohesiveness and bonding. On the other hand, there are personal factors affecting the type of conformity such as self-awareness (ability to understand own self), self-presentation (try to present ideal self in order to conform), personal control (desire to feel that one has control, as a human right, over particular situations) and gender (gender differences- women are more likely to conform) (Franzoi, 2009). Based on all the previously referred material, conformity is totally driven by social norms, norms that are not written but sometimes are more powerful than law; the way that a person conforms to society affects the level and type of his compliance to society’s requests. For example, if a person has as personal characteristic not to like altering his self-image/ presentation based on society’s preferences due to his intense belief in independence, it is possible that this person will comply more difficult because of external motivation instead of internal. On the other hand, this means that if a person has an internal compliance only to smile to people who knows and not toShow MoreRelated Social Norms1709 Words  | 7 PagesDeviance is a title that insinuates the violation of social norms in society. This can be described as adjacent to criminal and improper behaviour imposed by the people who break the social norms of a society. Thus, becoming subjective to a label of deviant. Deviants often have punishment bestowed upon them by authoritive figures such as the enforcers of law. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa Essay
The Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa For hundreds of years South Africa has endured a constant power struggle, oppression under the apartheid government, the AIDS epidemic and homophobia. Internationally there are currently four countries that permit same-sex marriages, which include the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Canada. Even though homosexuality remains largely taboo in South Africa, the country is taking steps towards overall equality and improved human rights allowing such unions to take place where this lifestyle was once forbidden. In modern day Africa homosexuality is illegal for gay men in 29 countries and for lesbians in 20 countries making homophobia a widespread epidemic. This legal status of homosexuals in†¦show more content†¦This same visibility is seen today in the United States growing more and more. You can see same-sex coupes holding hands in public and displaying the rainbow flag in plain view to show their pride and in some to confront the stereotypes against gay people in Africa. The increasing visibility of same-sex couples and the increased visibility of homosexuality did not necessarily mean more gay men and women were coming out. For an African coming out is a continual process because it involves additional cultural and social factors that play a major role. The process is more difficult because the African family structure in much more connected than that in the United States. If something affects one person in a family it affects everyone. Coming out deals with homophobic churches, strong family foundations and ties that emphasize heterosexuality, and the overall negative connotation associated with the GLBT community. In the African community your stance on homosexuality is influenced by the church, you either do not talk about it or you condemn it completely. In 2004 Africas Anglican archbishops vowed not to accept any donations from Western churches that support the ordination of gay priests. Even though most churches in Africa depend on this funding from the West they continue to deny assistance. To be gay and black in Africa often means that you must step into and out of the closet depending on the social andShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review Gay Marriage around the world is something of a controversial topic. Everyone900 Words  | 4 Pagesexactly the matter should be addressed. Some countries have made it illegal to practice homosexuality; some even consider it punishable by death. But what do Christians around the world and specifically in South Africa think about it? Andrew Sullivan discusses the fact that younger people during our time period find homosexuality more acceptable than the older generation. 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Taboo is any human behaviour that is normal for him/her but may not be for other. Hence, we could recognise taboo only at the time when we encounter other opposing our behaviour. Every society differs in its point of view regarding any sort of Taboo-defying behaviour. Hence homosexuality and same sex marriageRead MoreSexual Orientation3686 Words  | 15 PagesIntroduction Homosexuality is defined or characterized as attraction towards the same gender either male or female. It came from the Greek language, where â€Å"homo†means the same or similar, hence referring to the attraction between two beings of the same sex. Homosexuality is also referred as a clinical term. Most male homosexuals generally prefer to be called gay men and most homosexual women generally prefer to be called lesbians. Homosexuality is one of the three main categories of sexual
Monday, December 9, 2019
Aaron Copland essay free essay sample
Ana Parietal, Joel Parietal, Christina Shapiro November 19, 2012 Professor Jenkins Aaron Copeland Music has shaped the world since It originated and It keeps developing to Inspire people. The Twentieth Century music was In the time frame of 1 900 through 2009. Every musical period in time has some influences that help develop the unique styles of this era. Aaron Copeland was an intelligent individual of this time. He participated in musical works from 1900 to 1990. Aaron Copeland was known as the American Composer because his works were simply the American sound.Sopranos velveteen as the iconic American fugue was emerged from his life background, the time eras events, and his cultural context of his music. Aaron Copeland was the Iconic American Composer who lived a bachelor life. He lived alone, as he had his whole life, a bachelor; he worked on a plank desk supported by a simple sawhorse (source 3). He was born on November 14, 1900 In Brooklyn, New York. HIS parents were Russian-Jewish immigrants and he was the brother of four siblings. HIS father, Harris Morris Copeland was an Immigrant who came to America when he was seventeen.HIS mother, Sarah Nineteenth, came to America with her family at the age f six, and Aaron was closest to his mother. After a year of training, he learned all he could through his sister Leeriness lessons. She had no more to teach him since she taught him everything she knew, so even though his parents were not supportive in his music, he still pursued to further his education for music. Ludwig Wolfish was his first real teacher and after three years with him he advanced to a European trained concert pianist, Victor Wittgenstein. He graduated from Boys High School in Brooklyn and while being there studied theory under Rubin Goldman, which only increased to further his desire for modern music. The turning point in his life came when he received and won a scholarship for the American Conservatory at Forgettable, France. He went to France and studied and was taught by Nadia Ballooner. Although he never received any typed of degree while In France, his three years studying there were more than equivalent.While studying with Nadia Ballooner, she had asked him to write an Organ Concerto for her American appearances when he returned to America, which he did (source 2). He returned to New York after three years in Paris, and after his return he was determined to achieve this American sound in his music. Copeland taught intermittently at Harvard University. For the year 1951, he was the instructor of Poetics (source 3). Copeland was enlisted to teach at Harvard, until he retired in the year of 1965. His remaining years of his life were spent In his three-acre estate located at Rockville near Hudson River In Westchester County.He Died on December 2, 1990. After his death, his estate became the headquarters of the Copeland Heritage Association through a program where a wide range of activities such as commissioning programs to concerts, recordings, and exoskeletons, help promote American music. Not only did Sopranos fife depict the style of composer he was, but also the Twentieth Centurys events. The sasss. A time of revolt was spreading through the people. Political issues were rising and these issues were reflecting upon the music of this time. (Article Lonnie). At this time, American sound was increasing in music.New generations of Americans seemingly wanted to create a patriotic feel to music because it was American. This can also be an influence due to the drastic events of this time. Despite the wars and depression, the emergence of the radio, television, and Internet brought a wider variety to music. Sources) It expanded the experiences of people. Aaron Copeland wanted to appeal to a broader audience during this century. (article). He did not want to Just appeal to what he called the music-loving public. Copeland wanted to reach out to a bigger audience. Therefore, he striver to reach people by his music with American sound.He wanted people to listen to his works and be able to say that the style American. The way Copeland wanted to achieve appealing to this broader audience was through the technological advances. He would do his best to be on the radio, to be at interviews, to do works that would get commissioned for. Source 2) In this way, his work was getting out there, and it was more accessible. The important emergence of Latin American composers was also developing. (articulation) One of the important Latin American composers is Carols Achieve (1899-1978). He was important in this time era and Copeland.Copeland visited Mexico in the sass where he met Achieve. Achieve along with the Latin American land inspired Copeland. Out of this experience, Copeland stated that he felt a connection with the land and people there. At this time, he created El Salon Mexico (1936), which is inspired by Latin American culture. Article 1) Other events occurring in the Twentieth Century were the changes of language in music. Since the Baroque era, more changes in the music language were found (book). A lot of new composers most likely wanted to experiment with different aspects to create different sounds for the public.Composers wanted to change the sound of the music and create something new. That of course was a success with some of the composers, including Aaron Copeland. Women also became more actively involved in music during this time. They would either be composers, musical educators, and or virtuoso soloists. Unlike previous musical periods when women were not as evolved in music, the Twentieth Century brought about this change. Among one of this list of well-recognized women, was Nadia Bluegrass Aaron Sopranos teacher for three years. (book).Influences to Copeland of the Twentieth Century were American Jazz, Igor Stravinsky Neoclassicism, and Arnold Schoenberg Twelve-Tone System. Copeland incorporated Jazz elements in his early works because he believed they were American. (book) He also incorporated Stravinsky and Schoenberg techniques to experiment with different sounds and tones. In that way he achieved a clarity sound to his music and changes in pitch. (book). Apart from his life history, and Twentieth Century events, the cultural context of his music also favored his American sound. Aaron Copeland throughout his lifetime developed several musical styles.Nadia Ballooner was a major influence (book). She was Sopranos instructor in Paris. She taught him to write many notes but to only keep the most important ones. Also, she encouraged him to be himself. After studying in Paris, Copeland returned to New York determined to create work that sounded American. In the sasss America did not really have a Copeland found the American sound through Jazz and American folk tale. The public did not recognize Sopranos American sound until later years. One of Copeland early works was Piano Variation, composed in the early sasss. This musical piece was one of Sopranos most difficult and boldest works he had ever composed. It took Copeland about a year to finish this musical piece. Piano Variations had a very dissonant sound that was made of a few notes (book). Copeland took the notes of the main theme and created different combinations of sounds and moods with those same notes. He stacks the notes of theme on top of one another to create a dissonant ladder(Video). Piano Variations was appreciated by many of Sopranos colleagues. At the time, this musical piece was considered very controversial and was not appreciated so much by the public. In the sasss, Copeland was considered a modernist composer (video). Piano Variations was influenced mainly by Jazz. After Copeland experimented with Jazz, he focused on the American folk tale music. It was not in America where Copeland first incorporated folk tale music. Copeland was first influenced by Mexican folk music. While in Mexico Copeland and his colleagues spent some time at a local dance hall called El Salon Mexico. In this dance hall Copeland heard the Mexican folk music by the people (video). It was that visit to Mexico that inspired Copeland to incorporated that Mexican folk music in his next piece El Salon Mexico 1936. As the first of Sopranos works to make extensive use of folk song, El Salon Mexico captures the spirit of the eponymous dance hall by quoting traditional Mexican tunes and evoking such popular musical idioms as the mariachi(article). El Salon Mexico was considered one of Sopranos populist works. Copeland further explained that El Salon Mexico was intended to capture his sense of a really live contact with the Mexican people-the electric sense one sometimes gets in far-off places, of suddenly knowing the essence of a people -their humanity, their separate shyness, their dignity and unique charm (article).One of Sopranos most famous works was Appalachian Spring (1944). He originally composed the piece for Martha Grahams ballet. Graham wanted to create a ballet that summed up peoples peace and war (video). During this time, our country was in the middle of World War II. The ballet concerns a pioneer celebration in spring around a newly built farmhouse in the Pennsylvania hills in the early 1800 (book). Appalachian Springs included Simple Gifts, which consisted of five variations (book).Copeland incorporated Shaker melody. The Shaker melody appealed to Copeland because it portrayed simplicity and also created a very calm mood. The Shakers were a religious sect established in America around the time of the Revolution (book). Among his other works there was also Fanfare for the Common Man. This musical piece was considered an American anthem. The Fanfare for the Common Man has men used for several occasions; one was to honor allied forces during WI (video). Aside from his numerous compositions, Copeland made many other contributions to American music by directing composers groups, organizing concerts, lecturing, written books and articles, teaching and conducting(book). All in all, Copeland was the iconic American composer because through his life, history, and style, he developed different aspects that emerged this significance of the American sound in his works. Although Copeland did not come from a family of The surrounding during his time era helped influence him to create his works accordingly.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Own Self Concepts free essay sample
Own Self Concepts SPC 2300 – 12 Own Self Concepts 1. Define one change you would like to make in yourself. It might be a behavior or anything about yourself that you would like to alter. * I would like to change one of my behaviors about myself. The worst quality about me is that I am always late no matter what the case may be. I am not late on purpose, but it seems like something always puts me behind schedule. It drives both my family and friends crazy. They have learned when I say I will be there in thirty minutes, to expect me in about an hour. This is a behavior of mine that I need to work on immediately. . Write a specific goal for making the change, being sure your goal is realistic and fair. Use affirming, motivational language in your goal. For example, â€Å"I will show my best friends that I am paying attention when they talk to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Own Self Concepts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †* This is something about myself I have needed to change for a long time. It is not something I do intentionally to drive my family and friends crazy. I need to become a little more time oriented, so that I can be where I say I am going to be, at a certain time. I will show my family and friends that I can be on time to their events. My first goal is to sit down with a calendar, and write down already known events and times. This way I will not schedule more than one event at a time. Next, by having a planner, I can add any new events that occur in future. I will be able to check available dates and make sure I have nothing already planned. Lastly, by sticking to my schedule and planning ahead it should reduce the amount of time I am late. I know I always have to expect the unexpected, but at least I have control over the already known about. 3. Observe or think of others who are models for what you want to be. Write down what they do. For example, â€Å"Tracy nods a lot and repeats back what others say so they know she is listening. †* A model person for me to observe and take tips from would be my mother. She will have a whole list of things to accomplish within her day, and gets them all done and on time. She has a monthly day planner that she carries with her at all times. She always makes sure to add important and upcoming events, as well as any of her daily to-dos to the planner. My mom also makes sure not to make more plans than she can fulfill within her day. It seems to work for my mom, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for me. . What context or setting is required for you to achieve your goal? For example, â€Å"I will talk with my friends in private, distraction-free settings. †* I will need to follow the schedule I set for myself and not let myself get distracted from my original plans. It might even be good for my family and friends to be a little bit stricter when it co mes to my tardiness. For the most part, this behavior is something I have to train myself on. No one else can do this for me. I have got to learn how to manage my time better, so that I will arrive at events when I am supposed to be there. . Identify potential barriers to the change. Some potential barriers that may cause some problems for my change will be the exact people who request the change of me. I will admit that I do control a lot of my tardiness, but not all of it is my fault. I will be on my way somewhere, when a friend asks me to do something for them. They promise it will only take five minutes. At that point, it is usually over an hour when they are done with me. I have got to learn to tell my family and friends no sometimes, in order to fulfill prior obligations.
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