Monday, September 30, 2019
Jungian archetypes in today’s global society Essay
This essay presents Jungian â€Å"archetypes†derived from the theoretical formulations of Carl Gustav Jung aimed at understanding their impacts in today’s global society. This essay also presents a list of individuals noted for their contributions for changing the image of the world totally different from those of the Medieval Period’s and from these thoughts one can imagine the prospects of the future. This essay concludes with the citation of some present-day personalities, technologies, and significant events as objects of Jung’s archetypes. Jung’s theory of personality has tremendous influence on sociologyâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships [or] specifically the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings†(Merriam-Webster 2004). In order to appreciate the impact of the personality theory of Jung in sociological settings, it is necessary to mention key components of the theoretical constructs foremost of which is the â€Å"collective unconscious†â€â€in which Jungian archetypes reside. The â€Å"Ego†is the â€Å"conscious mind†â€â€it is the seat of â€Å"perceptions, memories, thoughts, and feelings †¦ from the viewpoint of an individual person it is regarded as the center of consciousness,†write Hall & Lindsey (118). The â€Å"Personal Unconscious†is the â€Å"region adjoining the ego †¦ consists of experiences that were once conscious but which have been repressed, suppressed, forgotten, or ignored†(118). Under the â€Å"Personal Unconscious†are various â€Å"complexes†â€â€the organized group or constellation of feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and memories; that have mental life of their own and have the capacity to seize the personality and to utilize for its end, like â€Å"Napoleon’s lust for power†(118). The â€Å"Collective Unconscious†â€â€considered as the â€Å"storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from one’s ancestral past, a past that includes not only the racial history of humans as a separate species but their prehuman or animal ancestry as well †¦ [It is] the psychic residue of human evolutionary development, a residue that accumulates as a consequence of repeated experiences over many generations. †If we humans today are afraid, for example, of the dark or of snakes, it is because our primitive parents â€Å"encountered many dangers in the dark and were victims of poisonous snakes,†write Hall and Lindzey (118). And â€Å"what a person learns is substantially influenced by the collective unconscious that exercises a guiding or selective influence over the behavior of the person from the very beginning of life. †Furthermore, the â€Å"two unconscious regions of the mind, the personal and the collective, can be of immense service to humans †¦ the unconscious holds possibilities which are locked away from the conscious mind, for it has its disposal all subliminal contents, all those things which have been forgotten or overlooked, as well as the wisdom and experience of uncounted centuries, which are laid down in its archetypal organs†(119-120). The â€Å"structural components of the collective unconscious are called by various names: archetypes †¦ primordial images †¦ mythological images, and behavior patterns†quotes Hall and Lindzey of Jung (1943). â€Å"An archetype is a universal thought (idea) form that contains a large element of emotion†(Hall and Lindzey 120). An example is the â€Å"mother archetype†â€â€an image or a perception of an individual recognized by an infant irregardless of race anywhere in the world. How can this happen? â€Å"It is a permanent deposit in the mind of an experience that has been constantly repeated for many generations. †(Hall and Lindzey 121). Another example is an image of the â€Å"sun†which has been seen by all inhabitants of the world (except the blinds) rose in the east and set on the west horizonsâ€â€so that â€Å"certain concepts and images of a supreme deity are off-shoots of the sun archetype†(121). â€Å"In a similar manner, humans have been exposed through their existence to innumerable instances of great natural forcesâ€â€earthquakes, waterfalls, floods, hurricanes, lightning, forest fires †¦ Out of these experiences there has developed an archetype of energy†(121). On the other hand, two or more archetypes sometimes fuse together so that one can see the person of a â€Å"Hitler†as a form of fused archetypes of â€Å"demon and hero †¦ so that one gets a satanic leader. †Furthermore, â€Å"[m]yths, dreams, visions, rituals, neurotic and psychotic symptoms, and works of art contain a great deal of archetypal material, and constitute the best source of knowledge regarding archetypes,†write Hall and Lindzey (122-123). Jung identified four key archetypes in his personality theoryâ€â€they are briefly described here, namely: The â€Å"Persona†â€â€is a â€Å"mask adopted by the person in response to the demands of social convention and tradition and to his or her own inner archetypal needs,†quote Hall and Lindzey of Jung (1945). This persona is the â€Å"role assigned to one by society, the part that society expects one to play in life. The purpose of the mask is to make a definite impression upon others and it often †¦ conceals the real nature of the person. The persona is the public personality †¦ contrasted with private personality that exists behind the social facade†(Hall and Lindzey 122). The person archetype â€Å"originates out of the experiences of the race; in this case, the experiences consist of social interactions in which the assumption of a social role has served a useful purpose to humans throughout their history as social animals†(122). The â€Å"Anima and the Animus†â€â€it is â€Å"fairly well recognized and accepted that a human is a bisexual animal. On a physiological level, the male secretes both male and female sex hormones, as does the female. On the psychological level, masculine and feminine characteristics are found in both sexes†¦. The feminine archetype in man is called the anima, the masculine archetype in woman is called the animus,†quote Hall and Lindzey of Jung (1945, 1954b). These archetypes are the â€Å"products of the racial experiences of man with woman and woman with man †¦ by living with woman throughout the ages man has become feminized; by living with man woman has become masculinized†(122-123). The â€Å"Shadow†archetype consists of the animal instincts that humans inherited in their evolution from lower forms of life, cites Hall and Lindzey of Jung (1948a). Consequently, the shadow †¦ typifies the animal side of human nature. As an archetype, â€Å"the shadow is responsible for our conception of original sin; when it is projected outward it becomes the devil and an enemy†¦. [It is] responsible for the appearance in consciousness and behavior of unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings and actions. These then may either be hidden from public view by the persona or repressed into the personal unconscious†(Hall and Lindzey 123). The â€Å"Self†archetype â€Å"expresses itself in various symbols, the chief one being the mandala or magic circle,†writes Jung (1955a). The self according to Jung is the total unity of all the systems that make up the personality. The self â€Å"holds these systems together and provides the personality with unity, equilibrium, and stability. †The self is â€Å"life’s goal, a goal that people constantly strive for but rarely reach †¦ it motivates human behavior and causes one to search for wholeness especially through the avenues provided by religion,†and it is here where the â€Å"figures of Christ and Buddha are as highly differentiated expressions of the self archetype as one will find in the modern world,†write Hall & Lindzey (124). The foregoing presented an overview of the key Jungian archetypes. Hall and Lindzey write that the â€Å"most salient feature of Jung’s theory of personality †¦ is the emphasis that he places upon the forward-going character of personality development †¦ [that] humans are constantly progressing or attempting to progress from a less complete stage of development to a more complete one †¦ [and] that mankind as a species is constantly evolving more differentiated forms of existence†(134). Table 1 shows the Table of Contents of a special edition of the Reader’s Digest magazine capturing the significant contributions of popular and important persons the world has ever produced so far. Each one of the persons mentioned walked in the alleys of human endeavors leaving a legacy that benefited many generations to come after theirs including today’s generation. Table 1. Table of Contents of a Pocket Book on â€Å"popular and important subjects. †Adapt from Reader’s Digest (n. d. ) I. Giants of the World of Scienceâ€â€Copernicus: The man who moved the World (pp. 3-8); Galileoâ€â€Bold Discoverer (pp.9-14); Sir Isaac Newton, Explorer of the Universe (pp. 15-20); The Evolution of Charles Darwin (pp. 21-28); Albert Einstein, the man, and the Theory (pp. 29-33). II. They Opened Our Mindsâ€â€Socrates: A One-Man Turning Point in History (pp. 37-42); What Plato Says to Us (pp. 43-48); Aristotle: Master Mind of 300 B. C. (pp. 49-52); Listen to Wisdom of Confucius (pp. 53-56); William James and the Adventure of Being Human (pp. 57-66); Emerson’s vital Message for Today (pp. 67-74). III. They Sought the True Wayâ€â€The Man Called Jesus (pp. 77-82); Saint Paul – Apostle to All Men (pp. 83-88); Islam: the Misunderstood Religion (pp.89-98); Buddha, â€Å"The Enlightened One†(pp. 99-104). IV. They Fought for Democracyâ€â€Thomas Jefferson, Architect of Democracy (pp. 107-112); The Prodigious Gifts of Benjamin Franklin (pp. 113-118); Woodrow Wilson’s fight for Peace (pp. 119-124); â€Å"We Must Never Deny Our Gratitude†: A Portrait of Winston Churchill (pp. 125-130). V. They Opened the Doorâ€â€Columbus: He Knew the World Was Round (pp. 133-140); Westward – With Lewis and Clark (pp. 141-148); And Then Came Ford (pp. 149-158); Alexander Graham Bell: The Man Who Tied the World Together (pp. 159-164). VI. Apostle of Human Rightsâ€â€Abraham Lincoln’s Hardest Decision (pp.167-172); Mr. Thoreau of Walden Pond (pp. 173-180); Gandhi: Apostle of Non-Violence (pp. 181-188). VII. Giants of the Artsâ€â€Leonardo da Vinci: The Firs Modern (pp. 191-198); Delacroix: He Opened the Door to Modern Art (pp. 199-202); Pablo Picasso, Artist of the Century (pp. 203-208); Beethoven the Incredible (pp. 209-214); Frederic Chopin: Poet of the Piano (pp. 215-218); Mozart, Music’s Wonder Child (pp. 219-224). VIII. They Took Us Into the Futureâ€â€The Day the Atomic Age Was Born (pp. 227-232); We Tamed Penicillin (pp. 233-238); With Ranger VII-To the Moon (pp. 239-245). What is the goal of human development? Toward what end are humans and mankind striving? Hall and Lindzey’s answer to these questions is this: the â€Å"ultimate goal is summed up by the term self-realization. Self-realization means the fullest, most complete differentiation and harmonious blending of all aspects of a human’s total personality. †To this end, there is one significant thing that appears to be consistent in all human historyâ€â€this is what Hall and Lindzey write as â€Å"progress†which â€Å"did not stop with the creation of humans; just as humans represent an advancement over all other species of animals, so does civilized man represent an improvement over primitive man†(134). Meanwhile, Koontz, O’Donnell, and Heinz Weihrich, write â€Å"Every group of people that performs near its total capability has some person as its head who is skilled in the art of leadership [with] †¦ at least three major ingredientsâ€â€the ability to comprehend that human beings have differing motivating forces at varying times and in different situations, the ability to inspire, and the ability to act in a way that will develop a climate for responding to an arousing motivations†(663). Who are the prime persons and entities in the 1990’s and in the current decade that could have influenced the direction of the world affairs in today’s â€Å"global society†? I have a few names to mention before ending this essay: the introduction of the â€Å"internet†in the early 1990’s that almost shattered the communication barriers overnight with Bill Gates’s Microsoft Internet Explorer; George W. Bush, Sr. and the first Gulf War in the Middle East that reinforced the resentment of the Muslim world against Christendom and in particular the United States; Osama Bin Landen and the 9/11 terrorism; George W. Bush, Jr. and Weapons of Mass Destruction with Iraq War; astronomy and the Hubble Space Telescope that captured close-up photos of far-flung universes never before seen (Voit); and the twin rovers that traversed the Martian face with Intel’s microprocessors as enablers of nanotechnology. These never-ceasing human endeavors reflect Jung’s archetypal descriptions present in all human undertakings in any given society around the world. References Hall, Calvin S. , and Gardner Lindzey. Theories of Personality. 3rd Ed.. New York, NY: Wiley, 1978. Koontz, Harold, Cyril O’Donnell, and Heinz Weihrich. Management. 7th ed. Tokyo, Japan: McGraw, 1980. They Changed Our World. Editors of Reader’s Digest. USA: Berkely, (n. d. ). Voit, Mark. Hubble space telescope: new views of the universe. Ed. Himmel, Eric. New York, NY: Abrams.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Othello Explication
Explication Othello: 3. 3. 258-271. â€Å"Why did I marry? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I do beseech your Honour. †1. Determine the context of the passage. Othello is doubting Desdemona, and Iago is trying to plant the idea that Desdemona has a hidden agenda with trying to persuade Othello to reinstate Cassio. 2. Describe the passage in its most overt form. (Does it rhyme, does it repeat phrases, words, etc. This passage does not have a rhyme scheme. The only repeat phrases that seem to really show up in the passage are when Iago does call Othello â€Å"Your Honor†.Iago does pause four times when he is speaking in which brings more seemingly innocence to Iago’s character. 3. Do these issues (especially the diction) reflex upon the rest of the text and how so? Yes, This text reflect in the passage and the rest of the text due to Iago urging and pointing out that Desdemona and Cassio are something more then just friends. 4. Describe in detail how the passage works. Does it use questions and why? Does it repeat and why? Does it contain antitheses of any kind and why? ’ Does it contain an oxymoron (or more than one) and why? Does it rely on Petrarchan devices and why?What are the main metaphors (or similes) and why? Are there puns or double entendres and why? You will not find all the devices, but you must show a strong understand of how the language serves the text. Declare your evidence and offer a logical critical reason for the evidence being probative (or proving something worthwhile) in the text. In the passage both Othello and Iago are talking to each other. Othello is questioning why he married Desdemona and questions if she is in fact if she is virginal and virtuous. Iago being very manipulative tells Othello light-heartedly to wait and see what Cassio and Desdemona do.If Desdemona pushes earnestly to have Cassio reinstated back that there could be a back story and they are having an affair. This Passage does not have any Petrarchan devices, but I feel that the Pauses in lines 262,263,269,270 are quite significant to the passage. Iago, calls him self â€Å"busy†in which according to the text he is calling himself too officious, which I feel is a double entendres. 5. Summary your findings in the form of a concluding remark that makes your reader understand that the passage has a relevance to the rest of the text.This section may prove the most difficult, but it is the kind of â€Å"summary†that can lead to a thesis statement for an essay. You need to convince your reader that the passage under scrutiny holds a significant clue to the text as a whole. This clue may mean anything from teaching us how to read the play to what we should be seeking throughout the language and / or devices of the play. I actually found myself playing the both Othello and Iago as a monologue. In which I began to think this is what they were thinking and how the passage should be portrayed, I began to feel that Iago’s ple a was a very good actor.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Expansion of Diageo Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Expansion of Diageo Paper - Essay Example Introduction Diageo is world’s top-notch quality drinks company. Through its universal vision as well as local promotional concentration, Diageo provides its customers an exceptional collection of beverage brands including the spirits, wine, and beer types. It was established during the year1997 after its merger with â€Å"Grand Metropolitan Public and Guinness†. Diageo operates in almost185 nations all over the globe and it is listed on both New York and London Stock Exchange. Diageo controls eight of the global top twenty high-quality spirits brand names, together with Smirnoff, the top brand â€Å"by volume†(Lopes, 2007, p. 76) as well as Johnnie Walker, the top brand â€Å"by value†(Lopes, 2007, p. 76). In beer, Diageo possesses the single international solid brand name, Guinness, along with a collection of bigger brand names traded mainly within Africa. Diageo’s wine brands are traded largely within North America along with Great Britain â₠¬Å"across a full range of price points†(Lopes, 2007, p. 77). Within the developed countries such as North America as well as Europe, Diageo has made sturdy ways to marketplace. Moreover, Diageo is the top-notch global spirits business within the developing nations such as â€Å"Africa, Latin America and Asia†(Lopes, 2007, p. 80). These swiftly expanding markets currently consist of more or less â€Å"one third of Diageo’s net sales†(Lopes, 2007, p. 76), rise from 25 percent during the year 2008. By means of persistent ‘organic’ development triggered by infrastructure ventures in addition to focused acquisitions, these markets are likely to chip in 65 percent of Diageo’s net sales by the year 2017. Diageo unites the advantages from universal level with local expertise in user inclinations as well as behaviours to bring outstanding advertising drives. For instance, the â€Å"Keep walking campaign on Johnnie Walker†(Diageo, 2006 , p. 192) has been broadcasting worldwide for more than ten years, supported by the global demand of individual growth. The advertising campaign is accurate to this vision even though the local innovative implementations seem changed universally. In the same way, user information updates Diageo’s improvement drives along with pipeline. The â€Å"premiumisation†(Diageo, 2006, p. 193) of scotch to create demand in clients of high-quality brand names along with the expansion of ‘ready to serve cocktails’ since ‘at-home’ usage raises have been mainly successful. Diageo is focused on creating a sustainable business along its value chain. The techniques with which Diageo supports a constructive part for alcohol within society; values the innate sources, societies as well as individuals it depends on; and supports traditions of excellent supremacy and moral values are all significant factors for growth. The business takes pride in the responsible wa y with which its brands are promoted and the constructive part that reasonable utilization of its brands has in the lives of numerous individuals. Diageo attempts to stay on the top of industry attempts to sponsor sensible drinking and do efforts with other shareholders to fight against wrong use of alcohol. From the time its start during the year
Friday, September 27, 2019
The difference between leadership and management techniques and their Essay
The difference between leadership and management techniques and their influences on the organizational structure - Essay Example This study looks into leadership and management that both are needed to maintain all business processes successfully. The basic difference between management and leadership is that of notions they possess about the strategic tools and effectiveness of the proposed methods. The difference between their perceptions observed by the research includes viewpoints about changes in the organization such as; managers believe change would bring various challenges and threats for the company. However, leaders think that change provides an opportunity to the professionals to avail competitive advantage. At other side, when it comes to handle the change managers attempt to deal with it through strategic plans, but leaders aim to address such issues, through mind. Other differences between their approaches include managers` methodology of utilizing power through balanced activities. Managers, intend to understand and consider all aspects of the threats and try to concentrate on short-term plans. T hey follow their self-made views and examine self-performance to practice substantial and perform job accordingly. On the contrary, thoughts and practices of leaders involve a use of heart and mind logistics. Leaders possess capabilities to sense all possible facilities, which help them plan long-term strategic methods; they do intend to follow their viewpoints. They are flexible enough to alter or create new vision with the demands of the time. They simply do not focus to perform assigned duties in control like the managers` approaches, but they struggle for their dreams along with inspiration and self-motivation. In general, managers are looked as administrators not as leaders. Concept of managers as leaders emphasize on the fact that managers while performing as leaders are expected to promote new approaches. Managers can only perform as effective leaders, when they show interest towards executing proposed strategies of achieving goals. Additionally, they should have some qualiti es to inspire their followers and workers performing under their observations. A manager can inspire people like leaders by utilizing technical strategic tools (Adeniyi 2007). For example, if a manager intends to lead and manage things at the same time quietly, he/she can perform far much better than a cheerful leader. Most importantly bridging the gap between the basic difference in managers and leaders` functions can help managers to perform as efficient leaders (Adeniyi 2007). For example, leaders bring up new ideas and managers regulate the existing ideas, thus at this point it is vital that managers should understand the importance of taking up challenges, through changed strategies and modernized approaches. For the managers to perform as effective leaders it is vital to understand the demands of the position and fundamental requirements for being a good leaders otherwise, the whole organization has to suffer (Adeniyi 2007). F
Thursday, September 26, 2019
IMC and Customer Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IMC and Customer Satisfaction - Essay Example Guided by the company’s culture of ensuring that customers look trendy thus keeping up with fashion, we will go deeper in establishing and maintaining a closer and an in depth touch with our clientele and referrals. We are intending to incorporate the following personal marketing means: Email marketing whereby we shall be sending emails to our customers on a weekly basis informing them of new products and designs in them. We are also planning to use our clientele phone database to reach them through short messaging services. To reach referrals in places that we have not yet set our distribution and retail outlets, we are planning to use search engine optimization and search engine marketing once we develop our company’s website. In mean time, we are outsourcing content marketing with social media likes of face book, youtube, instagram and Olx. This is in line with our advertising strategy of marketing mix which much influenced by distribution costs, the type of marketin g that we intend to use and the financial status of the company at the moment. With the product strategy we intend to have pictorial captions of all the products and design in stock and post them in the social media. ... This has been eased by our market survey which weighed in the income levels and distribution of our target market. This will not only guide us in pricing but also in product distribution and innovations on our designs to meet the market needs and minimize unnecessary losses. For the place strategy, our advisements are customized to meet different towns’ environmental, social, economic and cultural backgrounds. This will rule out the inconvenience of finding the advertised product in form that does not meet your cultural background and the price tag not meeting your financial capabilities. This is intended to maximize online search and ease decision making buy clients and referrals. For the promotional section, this strategy will locate the loss making markets in our distribution chains and come up with appropriate sales or discounting promotional strategies (Bradley, 2010p33). Question 2: Determine how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured. To achieve companyâ €™s projected revenue growth of 40% and profits margin of 50% requires effective advertising and marketing. The success of these strategies will be measured by the orders and sales the company will close in the span of ten years. Alternatively the company also intends to apply the crowd sourcing strategy to ascertain consumer’s levels of satisfaction with commodities bought, future expectations of brand development and what features they want with the new products in the market. The electronic payment system that the company intends to produce will also provide the basis for the crowd sourcing. This strategy will be achieved by customer responses in our personalized marketing strategy of emails and short messaging services to the clients. Further interactions with clients on social
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Management Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management Coursework - Essay Example Thus container shipping was one of the early industries to become heavily reliant on operational computer systems. However, it is one thing being able to access all the information in your computer systems on your own premises, but the true benefits from technology are only really experienced to the full when you have the ability to communicate this information wherever and whenever it is needed. State-of-the-art communications are fast becoming a necessity in today's international freighting and transport industries. Sophisticated logistics chains, offering a fast and flexible response to customer demands, require an accurate flow of information for tracking, planning and control. An efficient, streamlined system such as this is essential in order to meet the demands of the "just-in-time" concepts developed by the manufacturing industry whereby every stage of the process is timed to perfection. Everything required, no more no less, is in the right place at the right time, thereby saving huge amounts of time and money associated with stock inventories. Fast and efficient planning, stowage and tracking of cargo are the freighting and transport industry's response to manufacturers' needs. (Lakshmanan, 2001) From the outset, many sectors of the shipping and containerization industries saw electro... EDI standards was closely monitored by the industry and a message development group was set up early in the life of the EDI Association to consider new Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transportation - or trade (EDIFACT) standards for the shipping industry. In the deep-sea trade, a single container vessel can currently carry in excess of 4,000 containers. Typically, for example, a vessel will load containers at four or five ports in Europe for discharge at any of six or more ports in the Far East and it will additionally discharge and load containers at two further ports on the way. It is, therefore, a complicated exercise to keep control of the stowage plan such that all loading ports can add their cargo to the ship efficiently and with the minimum movement of the containers already on board. Additionally, the ports where cargo is to be unloaded are required to be able to access their containers easily and without having to move other containers in the process. (Shipley, 2003) A stowage plan of a container vessel is called a bayplan. A bayplan, in paper form, is a series of diagrams consisting of each cross-section of the ship or a list of each possible location on the ship and its contents. In EDIFACT terms, a bayplan is a UNSM called BAPLIE, which consists of a header section with information identifying the vessel and then a group of segments which is repeated for each container on board and containing relevant information about the container including its position on the ship, its loading and destination ports, the nature of the goods carried and the conditions under which it should be stowed on board. Traditionally, the bayplan was transmitted between port container terminals and ship planners by telex or by fax - typically in the Far
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Youth and Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Youth and Juvenile Justice - Essay Example The surveys and opinion polls conducted by the government, academic, or private institutions has a great impact over juvenile justice in the sense that the gathered information from public opinions can be use in future planning regarding the necessary improvements on the existing policies and programs related to youth and juvenile justice (Strutin, 2009). Since there are a lot of people who choose to reject the use of purely punitive approach in criminal justice, long prison sentences among the juvenile criminals have been constantly decreasing over time (Hart, 2002). Nowadays, more people agree that punishing the youth is not the best solution in terms of fighting crimes especially among the non-violent offenders. Since juvenile crime prevention through education and youth programs is the best solution to address this type of social problem, more people are supporting the need to provide job and vocational training, family counseling, and increase the number of neighborhood activity centers for the young adults instead of focusing on punishment and enforcement (Hart, The impact of public opinion on juvenile justice and trend over time is great since there is a significant decrease in the number of juveniles held in residential placement in 2006 as compared to the number of juveniles in 1997. (See Table I – Washington State Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement below) The prevalent risk and protective factors for child delinquency includes: (1) the child as an individual; (2) the child’s group of friends; (3) the child’s family background such as cases of poor child-rearing, divorce, or family violence; (4) the school where the child is studying; (5) child’s neighborhood; and (6) influence of the media (Wasserman, et al., 2003). In relation to the prevalent risk and protective factors for child delinquency, a child should have a good behavioral foundation at home. Good parenting and guidance will decrease the chance that a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Performance Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance Management - Assignment Example There are various types of performance management plans that a corporation may select to use. The two most prominent types of performance management plans are strategic performance management plans and administrative plans (Customwritingtips, 2013). Strategic plans place emphasis on the long term. As part of a strategic performance plan an organization must assess the external factors that affect the organization. Administrative performance plans focuses on the short term and on the internal factors that can be altered to achieve positive change in a company. The use of performance management impacts the employees of an organization in a variety of ways. Performance management helps improve the motivation of the workers. It does a more effective job of rewarding employees that are performing. The corporate culture of a firm is enhanced by the use of performance management. Firms that implement performance management typically experience a productivity boom. Using performance manageme nt can help track employee performance better. The total compensation of employees increases. Despite the benefits associated with performance management there are also cons associated with its implementation. Often work related stress increases as a direct consequence of the use of performance management. Cooperation and teamwork decreases among the employees. When performance management is used competition among the laborers rises. ... Employees also feel a greater pressure to perform. Three ways to determine individual performance are personal observation, feedback, and performance reviews (Aprioritylearning). Performance management affects the compensation that the employees receive for their labor. The traditional compensation system of paying a fixed salary or by the hour has proven to be ineffective. When employees are paid a fixed compensation for their work they lose motivation. In a company that uses performance management the workers that achieve higher productivity receive higher reward. Low performers are adversely affected because they receive lower compensation. The compensation system under performance management is fairer. Companies obtain greater efficiency from its compensation plan under performance management. A lot of factors should be considered when starting a performance management plan. It is very important to properly train the workers on the different aspects and implications of the perfor mance management plan. During the first few weeks of implementation the employees should undergo an orientation period. The skills of the workers should be aligned with the job requirements of the program. The company has to determine if the firm has adequate financial resources to pay for the added compensation of the workers. The corporate culture of the business is another factor that should be considered. The impact the plan will have on employee relations must be assessed. Administrative expenses are likely to increase under performance management. The effectiveness of the plan must be tracked. Companies must study the long term impact of using performance management and they also have to deal with the short term consequences. It is important to include a balanced
Sunday, September 22, 2019
More Beer, Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
More Beer, Inc - Case Study Example More Beer Inc. has to take extreme care while issuing termination notice to any of the employees included in the list supplied to me by you. I am trying to analyze the cases of each employee one by one in order to get more insights into the moral, legal and business aspects involved in the termination of them. Mike is definitely an asset to the company since his track records are above average. One of the major problems facing by HR managers at preset is the identification of skilled personnel for a particular job. In this difficult period, the services of people like Mike who is performing above average is essential for More Beer Inc. when we consider the future of our company. It should be noted that many of our employees are performing average or below average and Mike is one among the few of the employees who are performing above average. Mike’s age is definitely a positive factor for our company. People in the 30’s and 40’s are normally performing better than people in the 20’s or 50’s. In other words, younger age and older age of the employees are equally problematic to an organization. Young employees may have enough energy, but they may not have enough experience or expertize whereas older people may have enough experience, but they may not have enough energy or willingness to perform well. Under such circumstances Mike is an idle person for the company in his dedication to work. He has not taken a single day leave during his career with us which is definitely a factor we must consider in favor of Mike. As we all know, the major drawback of Mike is his heavy accent of speaking English. It is a fact that others are facing some problems in understanding him. However, firing Mike only because of his poor accent cannot be justified under the existing laws in America with respect to race discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), prohibits the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Strategic HR Approach Essay Example for Free
Strategic HR Approach Essay A HR Director has many job responsibilities throughout the work day. They ensure that payroll and accounting are done properly; they are in charge of the hiring and training of new employees. They must also keep up to date information and training for current employees who wish to continue to work for the company. Also HR directors also have to deal with the termination of employees. One other task which HR directors must deal with is employee safety. They must ensure the company and the employees are following all federal and state guidelines. By following all safety and security measures maintains the employer and employee have proper balance within the workplace. Listed below are four case scenarios in which I, as the HR director, must ensure all federal guidelines are being met by the company to offer the best outcome for the employees involved. Case Scenario 1: Medical Bills This employee has been a dedicated employee within the company for the past 25 years of service. They have been diagnosed with cancer which has required them to be hospitalized for two months. While in the hospital, they have accumulated a numerous amount of medical bills due to different treatment options. With the mounting amount of medical bills and no work, this employee is seeking additional help from the employer with additional medical costs and to help cover the cost of these bills. The company is already following state and federal guidelines by covering their 80% coverage and the individual pays the remaining 20% coverage. Also the employee has paid into disability insurance and the company is complying with that additional coverage as well, as the employee takes an extended leave of absence. It has been deemed the employee’s cancer was not due to working and hazardous materials from the company, so the employer is under no obligation to cover anymore medical expenses. Another step which can be taken for the employee to help offset the cost of treatment is the company can host several fundraisers for the employee and their family. All the money either donated or raised through the fundraiser can be set up in account which will cover the cost of current and any additional medical bills. Although not required by the company to take these extra steps, it can bring coworkers together to help in times of need and boost employee morale around the office as well. Case Scenario 2: Accidents with New Management â€Å"Accidents have been occurring in a department of 10 employees under a new supervisor. With the change in management, employees who worked for the company for more than 4 years complain that the new supervisor frequently micromanages, whereas the supervisor complains that the employees do not respect him because he is new and younger than his subordinates. Aside from the accidents, the supervisor thinks the team performance is below average†(University of Phoenix, 2012). The HR Director has many options which they can choose from to handle this rather difficult situation which are legally legit. One of the first things the HR Director needs to do is have a mandatory meeting with the supervisor in charge. There is a proper way to manage and lead a team to achieve results. Talking down to them and micromanaging them over every move is not the proper way. With constant micromanagement, the employees may feel like they are being babysat and hounded. They will not be able to get any work done which in turn will increase the low production rate and not only frustrate the employees but the supervisor as well. To earn respect of the employees, the supervisor also needs to give some respect to them and not talk down to them. The HR Director’s next step is to explain to the supervisor and the employees of the company’s safety guidelines and their accordance with OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration). â€Å"Under the OSH Act, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. OSHAs mission is to assure safe and healthful workplaces by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA standards. Employers must also comply with the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act, which requires employers to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards†(United States Department of Labor, 2012). All workplace safety and health standards must be in compliance of OSHA. Any company that is not in compliance with OSHA can face severe penalties. Also the HR director needs to inform the supervisor and employees that if all OSHA guidelines are met this will lower the illness and injury prevention. With a lower injury and illness prevention more work can be done and increase productivity for the entire company. â€Å"Most successful injury and illness prevention programs are based on a common set of key elements. These include: management leadership, worker participation, hazard identification, hazard prevention and control, education and training, and program evaluation and improvement†(United States Department of Labor, 2012). Following these guidelines and programs will prevent more injuries and illness at the workplace. This will also lower the cost of sick pay leave and insurance premiums can also remain relatively low. Also a company does not what and a reputation as an unsafe and hazardous workplace. This will cost the company billions of dollars as more people will not be willing to either work for the company or consumers will not want to purchase products from this company as well. The supervisor, who follows and implements these new changes will gain more respect from their employees as well, will have increase in productivity, and also employee morale will increase throughout the company. Case Scenario 3: Workplace Tardiness * â€Å"A recently hired female employee was late more than eight times during her * employment and was terminated because of the tardiness. The employee came back with a union representative asking to be rehired. She claims that some male employees and another female employee have been late many times. None of these employees have been terminated. The other female employee has not been fired because she is the manager’s wife†(University of Phoenix, 2012). This terminated employee is allowed to have a union representative review the case as deemed acceptable by OSHA guidelines. Since the company and HR director refused to terminate the other two employees who also were tardy on numerous occasions, the fired employee has the right to file suit for being terminated due to discrimination. The company was following proper procedure for this one employee but not for the others and this one employee was singled out. All the employees should have been terminated immediately for their tardiness. Under OSHA guidelines â€Å"If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints†(United States Department of Labor, 2012). Once the complaint was filed a proper investigation between an OSHA investigator and HR Director will be conducted to ensure all policies are adhered to by the employer. * Case Scenario 4: Employee returns to work after baby * A once high performing employee has returned to work after only taking a three week maternity leave. Since her return, her work productivity has drastically decreased; she has been distant with co-workers and at times to melancholy to work with. She has lost interest with her professional work attire and has become discombobulated with her daily work functions and duties. With her decrease in performance has had a great impact on the company as well. The company needs to let her know that she is able to take the full six week leave of absence which they provide and will not affect her job standing. The employee also has the option to file a â€Å"12 week leave of absence in the event of a birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth†(United States Department of Labor, 2012). This will give the new mother the needed rest she needs and then can return to work and be more productive again. This will not only help her and her family but also the company as well. * These scenarios occur daily throughout our lives. Many times they may not be handled properly and result in investigation and lawsuit. A properly trained HR director will be able to sort through these scenarios and take the necessary steps that are legal and beneficial to both employee and employer. Following proper legal rights and laws will increase work productivity and morale for all parties involved. * References United States Department of Labor. (2012). Family Medical Leave Act. Retrieved from United States Department of Labor. (2012). Injury and Illness Prevention Programs. Retrieved from United States Department of Labor. (2012). OSHA Laws Regulations. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2012). University of Phoenix: Individual Strategic Approach. Retrieved from http://
Friday, September 20, 2019
Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis
Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis Cost Volume Profit Analysis Table of Contents Introduction CVP analysis and decision making Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume Fixed vs. variable costs Break even analysis: Margin of safety 1.Non- Linear CVP analysis: 2.Linear CVP analysis: Operating Leverage Income Tax benefits: Future forecasting Preparation of Budgets: Cost Control: Price Determination: Profit Planning: Risk Assessment: Decision Making: Conclusion References Describe the benefits of using cost volume profit analysis for management decision making Introduction Every organization needs to calculate future revenues in order to help the managers carry out their operations effectively. Cost volume is the approach used for this purpose. Cost Volume Profit analysis or CVP analysis helps in identifying the operating activity levels with a purpose to avoid any kind of losses and achieve profits. Moreover, it also helps the companies to plan their future operations and see whether their organizational performance is going on the right track or not (Lewis). While conducting a business, the companies also have to face various risks and in order to counter those risks, CVP analysis is an effective tool. The following project tends to analyze the fundamental concepts regarding cost volume profit analysis along with an illustration of how these concepts can be useful in carrying out organizational operations. CVP analysis and decision making Cost Volume Profit analysis helps organizations to examine their profits, costs and prices with respect to any changed that occur in sales volume. CVP is an effective tool that helps accountants to engage in decision making regarding future operations (Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis)). Moreover, it also helps in making the following decisions for the company: It helps to analyze which products and services are beneficial and how can company use these products and services to generate the maximum amount of revenue. It also explains what sales volume will be needed by the company in order to achieve a fixed level of profits Moreover, it tells how much revenue should the company target so as to make sure that no losses occur It also highlights what would be expected budget of the company It also helps to calculate company’s fixed costs and measure the amount of risk associated with any investment Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume CVP analysis helps to find out the relationship between the above mentioned elements in a graphical format. For example: if a company has contribution margin of 300, 400 and 500 units respectively on its income statements, then the CVP graph can be represented as follows: The contribution margin ratio used for this purpose can be calculated as follows: CM ratio = Total CM Total Sales This ratio can be used to calculate unit contribution margin and the total contribution margin (MAAW, 2011). The unit contribution margin helps us to calculate the difference between total revenues and unit costs of the company whereas the total contribution margin is related to the difference between total revenues and the total costs of a company. In other words, the total can be calculated by multiplying the unit cost with the total number of units. So, this shows can CVP is an effective tool for calculating the contribution margin. Fixed vs. variable costs Another benefit that organizations get by using the cost volume profit analysis is the decision making about different types of costs. This is important because while carrying out a business, the company is not concerned with the total amount rather it is concerned with the actual cost behavior. This is so because cost behavior helps us to classify the costs into various categories such as fixed, variable, administrative and so on. For example: Let’s take a company with fixed costs F, variable costs V and the total number of units equal to X, its contribution margin will be equal to (P-V)X and profit can be calculated as follows: Profit = (P-V) X F Break even analysis: Cost volume profit analysis can also help the organizations in calculating the breakeven point which is the point at which the profits become equal to zero. This can be done by finding the break even volume and then using it to make graphical representations. The break even volume can either be expressed in dollars or in units depending upon the nature and type of the organization (Cafferky, 2010). For instance: if the organization makes a large amounts of products, then the company must prefer to calculate the breakeven volume in the form of sales dollars while in case of one product company, the unit method might be a more effective calculation of sales volume. Presented below are the calculation method and the graphical representation in both cases: Break even volume in unit method = Fixed costs Unit contribution margin Break even volume in sales dollar method = Fixed costs Contribution margin ratio This chart illustrated that at the breakeven point, the profits of the company become zero and below this point, the company begins to incur losses. So, it is a beneficial tool for the organizations which help them to analyze what should be the target ad how this target can be achieved by managing the fixed as well as variable costs and also by preparing a plan for the future operations. Margin of safety A new element introduced in this chart is the margin of safety which refers to the amount by which the sales revenues of a company might decrease because it begins to incur any losses. It is also called as the cushion of loss which provides a deeper insight into the company’s profits, losses and revenues. It can be calculated as follows: Margin of Safety = Sales – Breakeven sales Marin of safety ratio = Margin of safety Sales Larger ratios are preferred because they indicate that there is a lower risk that the company would reach breakeven point of even below it. This is the simplest method of calculating the breakeven point. However, it is not the only one. There are two types of methods used by different companies in order to benefit from the CVP approach (Yunkera Yunker, 2003). 1. Non- Linear CVP analysis: This approach is used mostly for the purpose of economics in order to calculate various elements such as productivity and returns in the long run. However, this has not proved to be a really good approach because it has unreliable input parameters. Since it is designed specifically for the long term transactions, therefore; it is not really credible and reliable approach for making short term business calculations. Moreover, it has been found to be more complex as compared to the simple breakeven calculation. 2. Linear CVP analysis: This is more realistic, practical and reliable approach to find the relationship between costs and revenues. It is the breakeven method that presents the things in a rather simple and â€Å"easy to understand†way. However, in order to make this approach a more effective one, the following 5 things need to be followed: Keeping the sale price constant Keeping the variable cost per unit also constant The total fixed costs must also remain the same In case of more than one product lines, the company should try to keep the sales volume constant The number of units sold must be equal to the number of units produced. Operating Leverage Another benefit that companies gain by using the CVP approach is the operating leverage benefit which explains how the cost structure of an organization is made up of fixed cost processes. This is a huge benefit because the cost structure is directly related to the level of growth and profit a company has (Phillips, 1994). Operating leverage can vary greatly from one company to another. In the firms that have a high ratio of fixed costs as compared to the variable costs, the operating leverage is good because it produces a high contribution margin. Similarly, higher fixed sales also mean that the company has a higher breakeven point. A higher breakeven point is directly related to the financial success of the company because at this point, the company can claim high profits at a much higher rate (Raichura, 2007). Income Tax benefits: Similarly, the simple CVP model can be extended to other issues such as the calculation of incorporate taxes of multiple products within a company. This is done by modifying the profit equation of the chart to include taxes as well. This analysis can also be extended to those firms that offer more than one product or service rather than a simple product. This can be calculated as follows: After tax profit = [(P-V) X – F] x (1 – t) Future forecasting By using the above mentioned models, approaches and graphs, managers can analyze the direction in which their company is moving and this analysis might help them to better understand the different operations and activities within the organizations. By getting beforehand knowledge of profits and costs, the company can manage them in a more efficient way to increase productivity. Preparation of Budgets: Since the cost profit volume analysis helps in determining the level of sales and thus helps organizations to achieve their desired targets. This approach would help the managers to prepare their budgets which consist of the costs as well as the revenues at any level of production within the organization. Cost Control: The biggest benefit of CVP analysis is to evaluate the cost volume changes within an organization and the impact of these changes on revenue generation. For instance: there is a dental hospital that wants to purchase a new dental machine so that the patient’s level of satisfaction can be increased by reducing the time required for dental treatment. The purchase of this new machine will tend to increase fixed costs of an organization. So, at such complex situations, the cost volume analysis can be the most effective tool to help in simplifying the company’s decision. If this dental hospital uses CVP analysis, it can manage to decrease its variable costs by maintain the profit at the same desired level. Price Determination: It is another benefit of using this approach. For example: taking the above example again, if any competitor within the dental industry has set the price at AED 50,000 for a single dental operation and the business cannot provide this operation at any cost lower than AED 20,000, then the company can use cost profit volume analysis to compare the competitor’s price with the fixed and variable costs of its own operations and thus it can manage to come up with a price that is in the best interest of the company. Profit Planning: The aim of any business is to create value for the customers and to get profits for the company. However, managing all operations and costs in such a way that can maximize profits is not an easy task. Therefore, organizations have to consider a lot of things in order to engage in proper profit planning techniques. The CVP analysis can help the companies to create the best and most profitable combination of cost, price and sales volume. Thus, it can help managers to calculate and estimate their profit at different levels and for different range of products. Risk Assessment: The business world is changing and due to several internal s well as external threats associated with any industry, businesses have to face too many risks. Although the calculation of risk and return through measuring a constant (beta) is a method in finance but managerial accounting is also concerned with this. Managing risk is too significant for any business because it tends to define all the procedures and practices involved within an organization. Therefore, CVP is a tool which helps to calculate risk particularly in terms of costs and volumes. After analyzing this risk, the companies can come up with efficient solutions to reduce this risk. Decision Making: All the above mentioned benefits re directly or indirectly related to the decision making processes of a company. Any business organization has to make a lot of decisions regarding their price, their costs, and products, fixed and variable unit costs and so on. The CVP approach simplifies this process by providing the companies with a breakeven point and by helping them to engage in better decision making and planning for the future. Conclusion So, the project has presented a detailed analysis of how is CVP calculated and how can it be used to benefit an organization. Out of the two types of CVP approaches, linear approach is the simple one and it provides companies with easy ways to make estimates regarding costs, prices and sales volumes. The calculation of breakeven pint helps in decision making for a company by providing it a better future forecasting, risk assessment,, price estimation and so on. In other word, the cost volume profit approach has a direct impact on improving the organizational performance and productivity. References Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis). (n.d.). Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from Cafferky, M. (2010). Breakeven Analysis: The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Business Expert Press. Lewis, J. (n.d.). Advantages Disadvantages of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from MAAW. (2011). The controversy over contribution margin approach. Phillips, P. A. (1994). Welsh Hotel: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Uncertainty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31-36. Raichura, K. (2007). C-V-P Analysis Operating Leverage. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from Yunkera, J. A., Yunker, P. J. (2003). Stochastic CVP analysis as a gateway to decision-making under uncertainty. Journal of accounting Education, 339-365.
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